New Year’s Resolutions & Noom

By: Justin Coleman
It’s hard to believe that 2021 is already over!
So much has happened this year, not just in the world, but also just within my little family.
My son started preschool, and my daughter is halfway through kindergarten!
As for myself, I have taken on some great writers for my marketing blog, developed a course to teach affiliate marketing, and even started dabbling in the online art world of NFTs.
I’ve come such a long way this year, this has got me thinking about what my New Year’s Resolutions will be for next year.
My New Year’s 2022 Resolutions
My first goal will be to publish a book. I’ve been working on a marketing book to accompany my course, so that’s a major goal on my list.
Next, I plan to keep helping with my children’s development. My son has begun to develop a love for learning, and I’d like to keep him learning on Reading Eggs.
My goal for my daughter is to keep developing her love for drawing and words, teach her to read and spell, and help grow her talents by any means necessary.
I also have a pretty lofty health goal.
2019-2020 was the year of weight loss.
Unfortunately I had quit the Noom program for awhile, sat in an office for a year and a half, and barely gotten any steps. Weight loss is hard my friends.
2022 is going to be the year I get back to 170, and maintain a healthy weight for good using methods I learned in Noom.
My Goal of Weight Loss (Again)
Gained the weight back?
Yeah, it sucks.
Food is good. Life is busy. Noom does take time and effort, and I haven’t been putting that in at all over the past year and a half.
I’ve already successfully lost 35lbs in 2019 utilizing the Noom Weight Loss Program.
For 2022 I’d like to use the Noom Program once again to help me get back to 170lbs or under and feel healthy and energized again.
I was able to utilize what I learned in the Noom program, along with exercise, to keep at a healthy weight for 6 months after I quit using the app. But the new job where I barely moved and my love for food took over again.
In order to give myself more staying power in keeping my weight the same, I plan to use the app to get me back on track.
My Next Phase With Noom
For this next round with Noom, I plan to go deep each week on really reading and understanding all of the articles and topics they give me.
There were days that I didn’t read all of the articles the first time around, and there were days I didn’t read them at all.
Now I want to go back and solidify my foundation in these topics to really help the tips and tricks stick in my head.
I don’t just want my weight loss to be a fluke. I need staying power.
I want to make Noom a lifestyle, engrain all of the psych tricks into my daily habits, and make this healthy weight stick for life.
I’ll set my weight loss goal to a pound per week so I don’t have as huge of a restriction as last time, and can go back down from 189lbs to 170.
Care to Join Me In Maintaining or Losing Weight?
The Noom program is all about support systems.
My first time through my wife took the program with me and provided amazing support to get me through my weight loss journey.
This time she isn’t going through it with me, but I still have my Noom Coach and support group to rely on.
I also wouldn’t mind some of you reading this to join me in my journey.
Yes, I am an affiliate for Noom, but it really is a life-changing program if you learn the tips and tricks and commit yourself to life-long change.
You can sign up for the 1 week trial to Noom using my link. It’s a pay-what-you-want trial, with a $1 minimum.
Email us at after you’ve signed up, and I will send you an invitation to our Private Facebook Group where we can work to take our journey together and offer each other additional support!
In the meantime, share your 2022 goals in the comments below! We’d love to hear about your health- or other- goals, and give you some encouragement to make 2022 your year!
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