Is Noom For Guys? The Definitive Answer.

By: Justin Coleman
End of article, thanks for reading.
Just kidding.
But it is pretty cut and dry.
Why does Noom work for guys?
Let’s dive in.

What Does a Weight Loss Program Have to Do With Gender?
I was a little shocked when I saw that one of the searches that people make when looking for info on Noom was “Is Noom for guys?”
I can’t think of any specific weight loss program that is only beneficial to one gender or the other, or whichever category you identify with.
The only difference in weight loss programs is which demographic they are marketing to. I’m sure a lot of them market to women, but that’s only because their studies have shown that their product resonates more with women. It’s all in the marketing, but the benefits are still there for anyone who puts in the effort.
Weight loss is weight loss. If you are ready to make a life change, Noom is for you.
Who Does Noom Market To?
Noom does a pretty good job marketing to both guys and gals.
Their main website home page just has a big orange button that says “Lose Weight For Good”. There are 2 women high-fiving on a beach, so that may shift their marketing towards women, but guys reading this, don’t let that deter you.
I’m a guy and I have been through the program myself. To great success, I might add.
I lost 35lbs in 16 weeks. Nothing guy, girl, or otherwise about it.
Noom teaches you psych tricks to help retrain your brain to eat healthier.
It also gives you tips and tricks on how to lose weight, and a personal and group coach to help motivate you and keep you on track. Not to mention your support group of other’s going through the weight loss program at the same level as you.
I did the 16 week weight loss program with my wife, and she lost 10lbs of baby weight she had been wanting to knock off.
It works for everyone given you put in the effort and have patience.
I’m talking real effort. ACTUALLY following your calorie count and meeting step goals. Working through the weight plateaus. AND BEING PATIENT.
I’m A Guy. How Do I Sign up for Noom?
Same way as everyone else GUY!
Didn’t you read what I said above?
There is a $1 trial (minimum; you can pay more for the trial if you want) that will get you access to the first 2 weeks of the course. I lost 10lbs in my first 2 weeks on Noom (although my results probably aren’t typical), so this trial should give you a good indicator if you can stick it out in the long haul.
Ready to sign up?
I have an affiliate link you can sign up through that will not only give you access to the program, but help support our site and our mission to spread the word about how Noom works!
What are you waiting for, guy?
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Surprised by your article. The reason the question comes up about Noom for men is because it’s not.
That’s not saying you won’t lose weight but the examples given, the rewards offered and even the suggested calories are female skewed.
I think this turns off guys because there’s not a lot of guys doing their program despite lots of efforts in marketing to men.
So they do offer groups where you can chat with other members but it’s all women. I’ve been in two groups with Noom and I was the only guy in both of them.
I’ve also been very religious about following the program and I’ve lost 1 lb in 3 months.
it can work for some people but it’s incredibly time consuming
There were plenty of men in the group that I was in.
I think the marketing is more towards women, but there were a lot of men getting good results in my coaching group.
This was back in 2019.
Totally agree. It’s irritating for men.
What did you find irritating about it? I’d love to hear your thoughts.