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Today I am going to review our Evenflo Deluxe Babysuite Pack ‘N Play and all of its features that it has.

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Not Your Everyday Pack ‘N Play

This is not just any basic pack ‘n play, but is useful in several different ways.  My daughter is only 3 months old, and has already gotten plenty of use out of it, especially when she was a newborn.  And yes, if this was just any pack ‘n play, putting her in there wouldn’t be safe at all!

However the floor of the Evenflo pack ‘n play does not only stay on the bottom, but you can also install a bassinet where baby can sleep elevated up higher!  How cool, right? The bassinet is a converted pack ‘n play floor, but that is not all! As your tot grows you can also remove the mat out of the pack ‘n play and put it on the floor, creating a tummy time mat! There are little rolls on the side you can pull up to clip on the toy bar and make it into an activity floor mat as well.

Fun & Functional

This product also functional because it has a changing table that flips up, and there is also an extra storage type basket that connects to the pack ‘n play to hold all the diapers, wipes and any necessary changing necessities you may need.

The 1st few times it can be a little difficult to figure out the whole packing and unpacking of the pack ‘n play when going other places, for instance tomorrow for Thanksgiving celebrations. However, once you get the hang of it, it is not too to break apart and put back up.

My Review of the Evenflo Deluxe Babysuite Pack ‘N Play

This product can be very useful for those that take advantage of all of the features, and very helpful while traveling to other places if you are trying to teach your child to lay down on their own for nap times, or if they are staying the night at Grandma’s house.  I know I have given a lot of high ratings, but just in time for Thanksgiving, I am very thankful for so many good products that we chose for our little girl. I rate this product at 5/5 stars.

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