Hey Mommy Bears! As you may have been reading, lately I’ve been looking into apps that allow you to document your baby’s milestones while still providing you some privacy and security that social networks don’t. A company called LifeTales recently came across my write-up for  Tinybeans, and asked if we could look into their Baby Milestone solution as well. I am always open into doing write-ups for cool and up-and-coming brands, so here we go!


LifeTales: Baby Milestone Tracker & More!

LifeTales brands itself as a social network that allows you to combine social media features with the power of blogging. You create different stories based on events, and can add text, pictures, video, and audio. This is great for tracking baby milestones, trips with baby, birthdays, holidays, and other events in baby’s life, large or small. LifeTales is available on both desktop and mobile, so your stories travel with you wherever you go.

LifeTales Stories

Selective Story Sharing

Out of all of the Baby Milestone Apps I have reviewed, LifeTales has the most selective sharing capabilities I have seen. You can invite whoever you want to view you story by giving them a link. That person will then need to create their own account on LifeTales to view the story, but once they are connected they get live updates as you add to the story. You can add other people as collaborators, such as a spouse or grandparent who shared in the event. This way you all can edit the story as it happens. This is great to show relatives back home baby’s first vacation. And just because someone is invited to view one story, doesn’t mean they can view all. You get to pick and choose who sees or collaborates on each story that you post. They will still be your friend on LifeTales, but you can make it so they only see certain stories. This is huge for those who are fed up with sharing everything with everyone and only want those who really need to see a story see it.

LifeTales Friends

Not Just For Babies

LifeTales isn’t just for sharing baby milestones and memories. If you want to use it for yourself, go for it! While most milestone apps are structured around creating one journal per kid and sticking to that, LifeTales is simply story based, meaning you can have some stories that are baby-centric, and others that are about you and your spouse, just you, etc. If you are heading out on a vacation without baby, you can start a story to track your progress and invite grandpa and grandma to see and show your kid that they are kindly babysitting. Or even if you don’t have a baby. The uses for these features are endless.

What to Expect From LifeTales

LifeTales is strictly an online program. Just like Facebook or any other social network, there is no final destination for your content, like a photo album or a print on a mug. LifeTales is meant to be online and stay online, while giving you the freedom to invite people you want to share in the different stories of your life.

You do get the option to download your stories. You get a folder with the different story elements in it, and you can still view the story via the index file provided in the folder. Downloading your story isn’t the main point of LifeTales, but it is a nice backup in case the only place you have the content stored is within the app.

One of the great parts about this app, besides the selective viewability of stories, is the comment feature. People you invite can comment on your story and start a conversation about it. You can also get likes, just like other social media outlets.

LifeTales For Your Life’s Stories

Overall, LifeTales is a simple app that allows sharing your life stories with people you love a breeze. This app is just starting out, so you can expect more great features to come as they grow. LifeTales is currently free to use and can be found online here, or downloaded on the Apple App Store. If you want to check it out for yourself, feel free to connect with me on my sample story!

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