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***UPDATE 11-18-17

The remote completely died and we didn’t feel like spending $30 for a replacement. We use the app on our phone to control it now, and it works great. Only issue with this is that guests are unable to change the TV unless they have the app as well.

Our TV Alternative

Amazon Fire TV

This is the Amazon Fire TV box. Not to be confused with the Fire Stick, or the Element Fire TV (see more below). Affiliate link image.

Hello Mommy Bears,

Like many people we ditched cable. Well, we actually never had cable. Since Daddy Bear and I have been together we have just had Netflix. That is until a year and a few months ago when we got an Amazon Fire Box.

With the Prime Membership, this was a great form of entertainment for my husband and I, and we even found ourselves watching baby programs before our little Bear Cub was even born! Got to try it all out and see what’s good to watch, right?

Great Baby Programming

With the Prime Video and our box also hooked up to Netflix, there are a ton of shows that our Little Cub can watch. She really loves Baby First TV and Baby Einstein shows. They teach her a lot about colors, different everyday things like water, first words, and a lot more! Color Crew is one of her favorites (well, I mean since she is still under 1 it holds her attention the longest).

The Color Crew

The Color Crew is a great early-childhood show to teach colors! (You may need some patience with this one, but it’s worth it for baby!)

Prime Video also has Blues Clues, which was a great blast from the past for me, and she really loved the songs! Some other good ones we haven’t gotten into much yet are The Big Comfy Couch and Dora the Explorer.

Netflix also has some great shows like Sofia and Little Einsteins. Again, a lot of these shows are above her level, but she loves the songs, and its nice to have the Fire bring it all to one place! (Plus I can get my Gilmore Girls fix after Little Cub goes to sleep 🙂 )

My Review For The Amazon Fire

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While the programming is great, and the box itself functions pretty well, there are some issues we’ve had with the remote. Sometimes it will randomly move our selection at rapid pace (it seems to do this when the battery is dying). It also seems to eat batteries at an inconsistently fast pace. Sometimes the batteries seem to last a month, other times the batteries can last for months, without our usage amount really changing. These issues may have been fixed in newer models, I am not sure.

Because of the remote issues, I would rate the Fire TV Box at a 4/5.

See below for some other options with Amazon Fire.

Other Amazon Fire Options

Here you can see the different options Amazon now has to utilize Fire TV. We have only tried the box, but I am including the links to the others in case they interest you as well. They have the Fire TV stick for more portable TV, although it has less storage space than the box.

More recently a company called Element came out with a TV that has the Fire TV program built into it. If you are in the market for a new TV, this may be the way to go.

We got the Fire TV bundled with the HD Antennae, so we get local channels and Little Cub can watch PBS shows like Arthur during the day! Unfortunately it looks like this option is no longer available.

There is also a gaming controller you can buy to play games on the Fire, but I’m not going to list that here because it doesn’t really relate to my and Baby Cubs use of this product.

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Your Thoughts

So I want to know! What do you use for programming for your little cub? I know there are a lot of options out there, and I know all the readers and myself would love to hear about other options!

Let us know in the comments below!

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