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Today’s MommyBear review talks about The Baby Manual Breastfeeding Program that’s highly beneficial for mommies and babies out there.
For new moms, breastfeeding their little bundle of joy is one of the greatest things in life.
From carrying them in your womb for months, to finally holding them in your arms, becoming a mother is indeed a wonderful gift from above.
What is Breastfeeding?
According to WebMD, breastfeeding, AKA nursing, is the act of feeding the baby with milk that’s directly extracted from the mom’s breast.
Exclusively feeding your baby with breast milk for six months is a gold standard for providing the nutrition that your baby needs.
Medical experts strongly recommend breastfeeding babies for at least a year but it can depend on the mother’s personal decision.
Why is it important?
Breastfeeding is very important because it has so many benefits for both the mother and the baby.
Compared to infant formula, breast milk has all the essential nutrients like vitamins, protein, and fat they the baby needs.
It also helps your baby produce antibodies and lowers the risk of developing asthma and allergies.
The simple act of breastfeeding also helps moms and babies have a special bonding experience that money can’t buy.
Mommies who breastfed their children also lowers the risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, breast and ovarian cancer, and more.
Why do moms stop producing milk?
Some moms find it hard to produce more milk for their babies for different reasons.
It can be due to sleep deprivation, stress, diet, or taking certain medications.
Moreover, having breast surgery also affects milk production.
The good thing is that there are companies like The Baby Manual that are dedicated to helping mommies in their breastfeeding journey.
What is The Baby Manual?
The Baby Manual is founded by Oksana Korsakova and was inspired to start the company after being pregnant with her daughter.
Just like any new parent, she did everything she can before her baby’s arrival by reading books, attending classes, and setting up the nursery.
However, all of her preparation turned out to be “not enough” because there were so many other things that she also needed to know.
That’s why she came up with The Baby Manual, so parents wouldn’t experience the same thing she did.
The Baby Manual is a company that’s dedicated to empowering parents in their journey to understand the baby and themselves.
Korsakova gathered an excellent team of highly experienced experts so that parents can use techniques that are supported by science.
How much is The Baby Manual?
The Baby Manual series is available in 3 options; Online or DVD, Both Online & DVD, and Premium Gift Bundle.
Online or DVD ($59)
- 4 Hours of Premium Content
- OnDemand HD Streaming (Unlimited Plays for 6 Months, View on Web, Mobile, & Tablet)
- Eco-friendly 2-Disc Set Quickly Jump to Any Topic, Reference for Future Pregnancies)
Both Online & DVD ($79)
- 4 Hours of Premium Content
- OnDemand HD Streaming
- Eco-friendly 2-Disc Set
- View on Web, Mobile, Tablet, & TV
- Watch at Home or On-The-Go
- Convenience & Flexibility
- Excellent Baby Shower Gift
Premium Gift Bundle ($109)
- 4 Hours of Premium Content
- Both Online & DVD
- Organic Cotton Onesie, Hat, & Socks
- Organic Muslin Swaddle Blanket
- Washable Silicone Bib
- Greeting Card
- Large Gift Box
By the way, The Baby Manual currently offers The Baby Manual Breastfeeding Program for free that you can join by clicking here.
The Baby Manual Breastfeeding Program Review
Every parent who had a child before or is expecting a child needs to try this very helpful breastfeeding program from The Baby Manual.
One thing I like the most about this breastfeeding program is that it briefly discusses everything in 41 minutes.
Throughout the program, medical experts will help you understand all the topics clearly from the beginning until the end.
They’ll teach you basically everything that you never knew about breastfeeding so you don’t have to attend classes, read books, and do more research about it.
The breastfeeding program covers all topics that talk about the methods to increase milk supply, getting your baby to latch, and how to avoid nipple pain during breastfeeding.
It includes step-by-step instructions from a certified lactation consultant so you can learn the recommended techniques in breastfeeding.
After watching the video, you’ll learn:
- The Benefits of Breastfeeding
- Accessories for Nursing
- Common setbacks
- Proper latch techniques
- Breastfeeding Positions
- Your baby’s hunger signs
- Dealing with Milk supply
- Engorgement
- Nipple pain
- Burping
- Manual breast milk expression
- Pumping breast milk
- Storing milk
- Plugged ducts
- Coffee & alcohol consumption
- Nursing in public
And if you want to watch a certain topic instead of watching the whole thing, you can simply click on any topic that you want.
What makes this program great is that every parent can access it for free to learn everything about breastfeeding.
At the end of the video, you’ll also get a summary of the topics and insights from moms who went through the Baby Manual Breastfeeding Program.
Why should you try this free program?
This free program has all the things that you need to learn about breastfeeding.
If you’re an expecting parent, this will save you time and money to learn more about breastfeeding.
And since the techniques discussed are recommended by medical experts with years of experience, then you have all the assurance that they’re safe and effective to use.
What other programs does The Baby Manual offer?
The Baby Manual also has two programs other than the breastfeeding program.
The Baby Manual Complete Guide ($59.99-$79.99)
This award-winning course teaches you how to take good care of your baby since it includes:
- Baby Care Class
- Breastfeeding Class
- Basic Infant CPR Class
- Infant Sleep Class
- Adjusting to Parenthood Class
It’s highly recommended that you watch this complete guide with your partner since you will be working as a team for your baby.
The Baby Manual Healthy Sleep ($29.99)
This course will help you understand your baby’s sleeping habits well so you don’t deprive yourself of getting enough sleep.
Since babies are creatures who sleep all day and cry all night, then this course might be helpful for parents who are having a hard time getting their baby to sleep.
Interested to get the Baby Manual Breastfeeding Program today? Click here to get started