Disclaimer: We are affiliates for Probulin and may get commissions for purchases made after clicking links on this page. We haven’t taken Probulin, but wanted to give an overview of their products compared to products we have taken, like Plexus. We are also not doctors, so you should consult a physician before adding any new supplement to your diet.

Find out how health and wellness companies, like Probulin, became one of the most popular supplements in the market today on this review.

Medical experts love probiotics and Probulin offers a wide range of products and supplements that has probiotics as the key element.

When it comes to finding the right  product, you must know how the main component of the formula works.

Supplements may have fruit as the component or even probiotic strains that promote digestive balance, like Probulin features.

As you continue to read this article , you will learn more about their products and I will also be telling you the beneficial properties of probiotics.

Probulin Review

Probulin Review Logo

Probulin is a company that formulates “The Next Generation of Probiotics” and specializes in digestive health, immune health, and more.

Dr. Jason Mitchell, a board-certified naturopathic doctor, and Dr. Shekhar Challa, a gastroenterologist and the author of Probiotics for Dummies, are the experts behind their products.

The company is based in Kansas and they claim to be the supplier of the highest quality probiotic supplements that are:

  • Vegan
  • Non-GMO
  • Shelf Stable
  • Gluten-free
  • Soy-free
  • Wheat-free
  • Dairy-free
  • Magnesium Stearate-free

But before I tell you what their products are, let’s discuss first what probiotics are and why the company mainly focused on them? 



According to WebMD, probiotics are live microorganisms that are good for the body, most especially in the gut.

These microorganisms can be a combination of live bacteria and yeasts that have health benefits.

They can sometimes be called “good” bacteria and most of them are found in dietary supplements and food, such as yogurt.

While there are so many types of probiotics nowadays, Probulin probiotics are very well-crafted and formulated with scientifically documented strains.

Their probiotics are manufactured in an NSF-certified cGMP facility to ensure that their formulations are guaranteed safe and effective for everyone.

What are the Benefits of Probiotics?

Experts in the medical field recommend probiotics especially when there are some “bad” bacteria that have been making your gut suffer.

Healthy Gut

Probiotics play a significant role in our gut that’s why they are effective in treating:

  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Infectious Diarrhea
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Eczema
  • Urinary and vaginal conditions
  • Diarrhea after antibacterial medication

The healthy bacteria in probiotics help the digestive system get back to normal.

And sometimes, doctors suggest to take them after using antibiotics.

Why are probiotics recommended after taking antibiotics?

Antibiotics tend to disrupt the normal flora in the gut and this includes good bacteria.

Probiotics restore the balance in the digestive system to prevent diarrhea.

When taken at the wrong time, probiotics can also trigger diarrhea and other diseases that’s why it is also important to know the recommended daily dose.

How much is too much probiotics?

Everyone wants to stay healthy and taking probiotics is known to have many potential health benefits.

So how much CFU is considered enough?

In case you didn’t know, CFU stands for colony forming units and it is the unit of measure in microbiology to measure probiotics.

A daily dose of 10 to 20 billion CFU is considered appropriate.

But it’s still important to seek medical advice first to know how much should an individual take.

Now that you already know why probiotics are important, let me tell you what Probulin has in store for us.

Probulin Products

Probulin Review Product

Probulin has made its reputation as one of the most popular probiotic supplements that promote a healthy balance in the digestive system.

But what most people don’t know is that the company also offers skincare products other than health supplements.


Features probiotics and prebiotics for kids and adults to promote a well-balanced digestive system

Total Care

Total Care

  • Total Care Immune Probiotic
  • Total Care Probiotic
  • Total Care Women’s UT Probiotic
  • My Little Bugs Total Care Probiotic for Kids
Probulin Review Probiotics

Original Formula

  • Colon Support Probiotic
  • Daily Care Probiotic
  • P-Pak Colon Health Probiotic
  • Women’s Health Probiotic
  • Original Formula
  • TrimSynergy Probiotic
Probulin Digestive Enzymes

Digestive Enzymes

  • Daily Digestive Enzymes
  • Advanced Care Digestive Enzymes

Probulin probiotics are recommended to be taken once a day and can be taken within the day or before bedtime.


Probulin Skincare

Give your skin the nourishment it deserves with Probulin’s skincare line that also comes with good bacteria.

  • Probiotic Extract Skin Therapy 5-Pack
  • Probiotic Extract Facial Serum
  • Probiotic Extract Night cream
  • Probiotic Extract Marula Eye Cream
  • Probiotic Extract Facial Cleansing Gel
  • Probiotic Extract Day Cream
  • Probiotic Extract Blemish 3 Step System

To ensure that their products are delivered properly, it is always wrapped in thermal insulation packaging liners so that it’s in a cold environment throughout its journey.

Who should not take probiotics?

Probiotics aren’t recommended to anyone having immune system problems, previously undergone surgery, and other serious medical conditions.

Which foods have probiotics?

There are so many foods out there that you never had any idea that they are rich in probiotics.

  • Yogurt
  • Greek Yogurt
  • Kimchi
  • Miso
  • Sauerkraut
  • Pickled beets
  • Kefir
  • Kombucha
  • Pickled Onions
  • Certain types of cottage cheese
  • Gouda
  • Soy Milk
  • Spirulina

What 3 foods are bad for your gut?

Say goodbye to these foods if you don’t want to develop poor digestive health:

  • Spicy Food – consuming very spicy foods can lead to indigestion or heartburn.
  • Citrus Food – eating too many high-fiber fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, and other citrus fruits can be harmful to the gut.
  • Faty Food – having a diet high in saturated fats can affect the good bacteria in your gut and can also trigger diarrhea.

Do probiotics make you poop?

Sort of

Although probiotics can help you get rid of diarrhea, they can also make you normal poop.

Unfortunately, probiotics cannot be used as laxatives unless you’re suffering from constipation due to irritable bowel syndrome.

What are the signs you need probiotics?

If you’ve been having digestive problems, slow metabolism, IBS, diarrhea after taking antibiotics, there’s a chance that you need it.

You can still take probiotics on a daily basis as long as it doesn’t exceed 20 billion CFU. 

But we highly recommend that you seek medical advice first to determine the appropriate dose that works for you.

This way, you’ll feel more confident to take probiotics under the advice of a health expert.

Is Plexus the same as Probulin?

Although both health and wellness companies offer probiotic supplements that have beneficial properties, they still have a few differences in the products that they sell.

Learn more about Probulin below, and click here to shop their products.

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